Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 1 - Geek Night

Geek Night...My friends Cindy and Smita (and whoever else is available) get together, have wine, maybe some dinner and blog. Cindy has invited me over to help me start my blog several times and I was never able to go. Finally on Monday, JAN 21, 2007 MY blogging has begun. WARNING...This blog is way over due and I've got a LOT of catching to do so please be aware that this blog will be skipping back and forth until I'm caught up.
Well...I had a very hard time at first with my new blog. I spent at least 45 minutes to an hour just trying to remember my gmail password. UGH! And now to remember which of my 5 email accounts did I set up as my gmail back-up? After a series of unfortunate events I reset my password and I'm off to the races. By the time I got my header set up with a picture it was dinner time. Cindy, Ernesto, and Smita collectively made and seasoned an awesome black bean soup that was topped with avocados and onions..."it was good as hell"! Now back to the computer! I'm in test mode and won't be writing a lot tonight so be patient with the newbie!!! Please and Thank You!


Spanky said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

Lorelei said...

Yeah! Looking forward to catching up w/you via the 'Minty Skies.'

Anonymous said...

Yay! mendy's in the (virtual) house!