Saturday, July 5, 2008

Love (and other disasters)

OMG! We saw a surprisingly AWESOME movie tonight! "Love and Other Disasters" written and directed by Alek Keshishian. It was amazingly funny and sweet without being over the top corny. Brittany Murphy's character Jacks encompasses the innocence, look and charm of Audrey fact her favorite movie in L&OD is "Breakfast at Tiffany's". The other characters in L&OD are casted beautifully! Catherine Tate who plays Talullah is a hoot! The male characters from Matthew Rhys who plays Jacks' gay roommate that is searching for Mr. Right in all the wrong men to Santiago Cabrera who plays Paulo who is Jacks Mr. Right but she thinks is gay...they are endearing, trustworthy, and wonderfully written. Although Brittany does a lot of romantic-comedies I think this by far is her true first attempt a a more grown-up and believable role! All in all I LOVE this movie and will definitely watch it again and so should you!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

The 4th of July has to be one of my favorite holidays! I love fireworks!!! I normally go out to watch them either in downtown ATL or we over to Peachtree City to watch them over the lake. But this year I did not feel like braving downtown since Pride is this weekend and it most likely is a mad house full of people.

Even not out in the crowd I am still such a sap! Between singing with the music, watching in awe, and the overwhelming sense of patriotism I ALWAYS tear up on the 4th! I've dated my share of military men, I have friends still in the military, my dad and uncle were in the Navy and have a brother-in-law fresh out of his military career straight from his last tour in I get it! This holiday stands for our freedom! How can you not get teary eyed or have your heartstrings tugged on? You may not agree with the current president on LOTS of issues but guess what...that is what makes this country so great...we have the right to BELIEVE in what we choose because of the freedom our forefathers fought for! This is a day to celebrate that freedom!!! So it is our right to live, love, and celebrate!!!

I watched fireworks on TV for the first time since I was little. I was awestruck! We watched the show from the Capital which was amazing! Next we switched it over to the ones from ATL and lastly over to the Boston Pops with Rascal Flatts! WOW!!! Three hours of awesome music and fireworks! And to top it off the Boston Fireworks show featured the Dropkick Murphey's "I'm Shipping Up to Boston" and Rare Earth's "I Just Want to Celebrate"...I love this country!!! could be the wine...I love this wine too!!!

Celebrate, Be Happy & Be Safe!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My 37th Birthday

May 13th was my 37th birthday. I had lots of birthday wishes, birthday lunch, and cake! To top it off my friends Jennifer and Judd took me out to dinner at the Geisha House at Atlantic Station. OMG...what a great place! The food was DE-LISH!! We had so many different types of sushi, saki infused cocktails and then must try the deserts!!! Our waitress was awesome and then one of the hosts sang "Happy Birthday" to me...amazing!!! I had such a great time and my friends are outstanding!!! Thanks JLo and Juddrick for making my birthday so much fun!!!

Rhett and Janine's Wedding 04262008

On Saturday, April 26th I went to the wedding of two of my friends that I met at Delta...Janine Northrup and Rhett Morgan. I've been lucky enough to witness their relationship from the very beginning. I remember Rhett asking me what I knew about Janine and then Janine asking me about Rhett when we were in Belize. We've all been out together over the years and I can't not say enough about what a great and really cute couple they are!!!

The wedding was outside on the golf course at Windermere Golf Club at 5:30pm. The weather held up and was gorgeous for the outdoor nuptials. It was amazing! After the ceremony the reception and dinner was in the ballroom of the Club. We had a great dinner, lots and lots of drinks, and of course there was dancing. Dancing from the moment Rhett and Janine stepped in the room...they had their traditional dance then boogied down! Janine and her bridesmaids performed a dance from Chicago too!!! Lots of laughs and good times!

As the night went on his Piehlness performed his "going out dancing" ritual of picking people up. He got Janine first and then he got Rhett. Like I said...LOTS of laughs!!!

Trying to catch up

WELL...I've been pretty busy since the end of April...lots going on that I'll have to blog about. Let's see the short list of things that I'll be blogging on...
I went to the very special wedding of my friends Janine and Rhett
I've had a birthday
I went to Florence, Italy to visit my friend Julia and then we went to Venice
I just got back from Cairo, Egypt with a short stay in Amman, Jordan.

So as you can see I've been out and about and I'm very sorry that I have not posted lately but I promise to be better!!!

Watch for upcoming posts!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

There and Back Again...And Gators!!!

So Lori and I started our drive home on Monday afternoon. We make were making some pretty good time then we stopped to get gas before Dothan (I think) at Bob's. I wish I had thought to take a picture of Bob's. This family owned and operated gas station/bait shop/diner had very friendly help and boasted Bob's famous boiled peanuts so I had to try them. This is where the return trip's poor food choices begins again. What is it about road trips and bad food??? I had to get the Cajun boiled peanuts and I think Lori got some more Nerds. And....away we go.

Further down the road we start getting hungry again and we are wanting real food. We are coming up on Eufala, AL. but we can't make minds up and end up passing everything. Outside of Eufala we come across this gem...
I have probably driven by this place hundreds of times over the last 20 years and have never noticed it before. We got out and saw the following:

Oh my word...GATORS!!! Real live, up close gators! They were pretty close to the fence. We walked up and all of the sudden there were eyes popping up out of the water from all directions. Yes, they were behind a chain link fence but that did not stop me from doing a quick spin around to make sure there were none behind me. I'm such a dork! But this was pretty fascinating being so close. Well, off to what we came here for...roadside pizza!?! The signs say best roadside pizza around and we have passed everything for the next 30 miles or we tried it. I must say it was not bad at all and it really traveled well!!!

Thanks Lori for sharing this road trip with me. I had a great time!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Road trip to the Padgett Farm

I got an email from Julia saying that Mr. Ray had had a small stroke and that she was coming home for a week. She was distressed being so far away and not really knowing what the effects were on her father she wanted to come home. I totally understood and would do the exact same thing by immediately booking a flight home!!! So a road trip was being formed. The plan was for Lori and her Zoe to meet Julia at the airport on Sunday early evening then they would drop off Zoe at home and sweep back through the airport again to pick me up. Wahoo...on the road again!

I should let it be known that Lori, Julia, and myself really should never be in a car together. It's like when we are all together we loose all sense of direction and time but maybe it is because we are always talking or laughing. Normally there are exits missed or wrong roads taken BUT this trip there were just bad food choices (except for while at the farm)...just wait, you will see!
When they pick me up we all are starving! Luckily Lori had packed some Pirate's Booty to get us through...and through I mean all the way to Newnan from the airport. I think it is no more than 30 miles apart. We saw the signs for Sprayberry's BBQ and Julia has been craving BBQ since they don't have anything close to BBQ in Italy. We decided Sprayberry's would be our dinner choice. Well, just our was closed. UGH!!! But looking around Julia sees this place...

I mean with a name like that we had to try it since it was not Italian and an Island Grill had to be good. We go in and look at the drink menu. "Alright" we are thinking...this is going to be great since there is all sorts of fruity drinks...yummy! We should have left when the waitress said that they don't serve on Sundays. Hummm, ahhhhh yeah, there is a Ruby Tuesday's next store that does serve on Sundays but for some reason we decide to stay. I mean how bad could it be??? Stupid question! Next we flip the page of the menu and what is on the whole next page but Italian dishes, I mean Italian plus different fishes too...can you say weird! AGAIN, we should have gotten up at this point but again we still decide to stay. I ordered a grouper sandwich, Lori gets a grilled veggie wrap, and Julia gets a RUBEN?!? Do I really need to go on with this part of the story??? Welllll, my grouper sandwich and Lori's wrap was good at least. Julia may pick out some awesome restaurants in Italy but in Newnan, GA she is a little out of her league. Heehee!!! And then we are on the road again!!!!

We laugh, catch up on each other's lives, and eat candy. That is right, we stopped at a "LOVELY" (read between the lines - scary as hell) gas station and Lori bought Nerds. I have forgotten how much I like Nerds! We had the original grape and strawberry. They really should put a warning label on them with something like attention kiddie/adult sugar crack...very addictive!!! We drive on and surprisingly do not get lost even with a road detour thrown at us. Although it did take us a little extra time we show up at the farm around midnight.

The Padgett farm is "home" to a lot of us. I can't really explain it but as soon as you walk through the doorway you feel welcomed and at peace. Julia went in to see her dad while Mrs. Sandra made us a pitcher of margaritas. Thank you Mrs. Sandra!!! Mr. Ray came out to say hello and give hugs. He is doing great and looks good but was tired so he went back to bed. Of course there was another pitcher and we talked with Mrs. Sandra until 2am.

The next morning I awoke to hear Ms. Lucy and Julia talking. I slept in the bedroom that was once the old kitchen and it has windows surrounding most of the room so there was no going back to sleep. I got up to visit with Mr. Ray, Ms. Lucy, and Julia. Ms. Lucy had picked some honeysuckle and a few roses and created this gorgeous arrangement in honor of Willie Nelson's song "Honeysuckle Rose".

Julia discovers that there is bacon in the refrigerator and insists that we should eat it so her father is not tempted. OK, twist my arm. She makes me some of her famous eggs which I add to my breakfast burrito. Yum. This definitely was not a bad food choice. We sit around the table which is really part of the foundation of the Padgett farm. Most of my time at the farm is spent sitting around this table either watching Mrs. Sandra cook, reading her cook books, laughing at stories being told but mostly playing cards. Did I say how much I love this place and these people? Anywho...we visit a little more then Lori and I have to get back on the road. Here are some great pics of Mr. Ray and his ladies.

My next post will be about the ride home with ya'll come back now ya hear!

5 days old...

You forget how tiny babies are their first few weeks of life. Little bitty fingers and little bitty toes. Zoe is little bitty too...except for maybe her feet which like Zach's are long cute flippers.

Her I am holding Zoe and getting a hug from Zach...

Zach likes to hold his sister which is just the cutest thing. He helps her with her passie too!

OHHHHH to be this relaxed!!! All stretched out, kicked backed and relaxed!!! While we visited I told Kim I would show her how to make chicken pot pie. It is very easy and I asked Zach to help me. He got up on the step stool and I would give him different cans to pour into the casserole dish. He was a big help!!! When I was adding the black pepper I told him to hold his nose so he wouldn't sneeze. Aunt Men can always make him laugh!!!! Watch out Rachel Ray...our new cooking show will be called "Watch out for the pepper"!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Zoe Elizabeth

Although she was ten days early we are so excited to have her here finally!!! Zoe Elizabeth was born on Monday night March 31st at 11:28pm. She made her appearance weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz and is 18 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful and has a head full of curly hair.

Mom called around 9pm and said to start to head to the hospital and that Kim's contractions were 7 minutes apart. Dad and I got to the hospital around 10:30 and went back to see her. The nurse was still filling out her paperwork and her pains started coming closer and harder. At 11pm on the dot her water broke and then all the sudden I think 11 nurses were in her room. The doctor was not at the hospital yet and the nurses were trying to calm Kim and slow down the delivery. We soon realized that there was no time for an epidural and Kim was a real trooper...she did an awesome job. The on-call doctor no sooner made it into the room before Zoe decided to make her appearance at 11:28pm. Their real doctor made it in the room 5 minutes after Zoe's birth.

Kim and Zoe are doing great!!!!
PS...Zach LOVES his baby sister!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mommy's B-day 2MAR08

My Mom's birthday was March 2nd. I won't tell you how old she is because she wouldn't like that but she would be the first to tell you that she now has her medicare card. parents are getting old...heehee! Not to worry...I won't get in trouble unless I spelled it out...65...I mean SIXTY-FIVE! And she looks GREAT!!!!!!! Ohhhh, I'm in so much trouble!

Zach and the Hat

I brought back Zach a handmade frog hat from Florence. I think he likes it!!!

Mama Chris's 88th Birthday 4FEB08

Mama Chris turned 88 this year. My grandmother is a beautiful, caring, and giving person who taught me so much! What an incredible lady! I think she even taught me how to laugh and giggle and to say "Ooohhhh LAAA-LAAAA". We had a really good day when this picture was taken.

Bowling 26FEB08

Catching up with pics:
Bowling with DL colleagues...

And the second "M" on the left scoreboard really was my score! 142...WAHOOOO!!!!! It was the first game that I have bowled in years. Then the beers kicked in and it went down hill from there.

Welcome Back Kotter...I mean Mendy

I am SOOOOOO very sorry for the lost time and no blogging. Had a few hiccups with the computer and my new "DSL Extreme"...let's just say that I've had some technical difficulties which involved lots of cursing, crying, and pleading. But I'm back......

AND I have to welcome myself back with a sing-a-long to the theme of one of my favorite shows... Just wish I knew how to embed the video but one thing at a time! :)

But I will share a beautiful recent sunset...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Quaint Shop

If I ever decide to get married I have found where I will go look for a dress. There is the most beautiful gown shop on the way from the Duomo to Santa Croce. We have never been inside but the windows are always spectacular.

The Rocco Trattoria

There are so many good places to eat in Florence but the Rocco Trattoria is by far one of my favorites. It is an unpretentious family restaurant in the middle of the San Marco Market. The surrounding outside market has fruits, veggies, clothes, books, household items and jewelry which is in an open air market with a roof. In the middle is a building where on the inside housed a coffee shop, 3 butchers, a fish monger, and the Rocco Trattoria. Needless to say the Rocco is supplied the best of the best of produce and meats. The last time I came I had stuffed zucchini which was most delicious. They also serve a baked pear in a caramel sauce that is out of this world. Luckily on the back of the daily menu is an English version so I can do some translating. The Rocco is the equivalent of a “meat and 2 vegetables” type of place with the great hospitality of an Italian family. Father and son run the front while the mom is in the back. There are several other family members helping out. The father is my favorite with his handlebar mustache and sparkling eyes. Anytime you are in Florence I would highly suggest that you search out this gem!

The Book Club

The last time I was in Florence back in OCT 2007 I went with Julia to meet “ The Book Club”. If I remember correctly it was maybe their second official meeting. The club included at that time Julia, Angie, Kelly and Holly. I've known Kelly since Julia's first arrival in Florence from the FSU office but this was the first time meeting Holly who is a friend of Kelly’s and she works at another US university in Florence. Angie was Julia’s roommate and she is a fellow artist. So I was in town and I went not to discuss a book but to see my friends and have some drinks. If I remember correctly the book that was chosen for the next meeting was "A Prayer for Owen Meany". Here are the girls back then...

Flash forward to FEB 2008 – I’m in town again and Jules says BTW “The Book Club” is meeting to discuss Owen Meany. Heehee! Has it been such a short time since the last meeting? With the holidays and all it seems that this was the first time the club has been able to meet . AND the club now has two more members…the Angies. Now there are 3 Angies…Angie the Painter, Angie the RA, and Angie Angie with the Four Seasons. We meet up a bar called Kitsch which has a huge appretivo spread. If you have never been to an appretivo bar it is basically a happy hour with food. I guess Kitsch is know for a huge spread…anything from pasta to grilled veggies to stuffed brussel sprouts to assorted meats. It was crazy and I now know why it was so packed with people young and old and even kids were there to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and great food. Of course there was not a LOT of the book discussed but is was discussed. The meeting is more of a social meeting to get together and visit and drink. Since Kelly and Holly remembered that I was at the last meeting there was some talk if I wanted to join so I am now the official transatlantic member. I can either write in, be a part of the discussion via Skype or just catch a plane for the next meeting. ;) We discussed several options for the next book and more rules for the meeting like one book written by an Italian author and a book of poetry must be included in the readings at some point. Everyone put in three choices for the next book choice and “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” was chosen as the next read. I can’t wait! Here they are now....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Name is Lucca...

Monday, FEB 4th 2008
We finally decided to take a day trip outside of Florence. Decisions, Decisions!! We got inspired while I was reading the guidebook that Cindy let me borrow that said Lucca is an hour train ride away which is great for a day trip. It also has a 3 mile wall that is built around the city that you can actually walk on. Sounded a little China wallish but they said there were always people up on the wall so we were sold. It should also be mentioned that within this 3 mile wall radius that there are 99 churches...being from the Bible Belt I had to see this! AND...I got to sing "my name is Lucca" ALL day long! Even made up words since I could not remember the whole song!
Here is one of the portas into the city wall...
Once we were up on the wall we realized that it is basically a tree lined path around the city where young and old strolled, jogged, or rode their bikes. There are several children's playgrounds, lots of moss on trees and several water fountains. It is kind of a magical place. We walked around on the wall for a little while as the sun started breaking through the clouds and then decided it was time to check out the city within. We had heard that they did not allow cars within the walls but to our dismay there were cars and scooters inside. Once placing ourselves "inside the map" and finding one of the churches of interest (San Frediano) we remember that it is Monday and most places are closed. UGH! We make the best of it took pics of the outside and even snuck into the Pilazzo Pfanner which was closed for the winter. What they don't know won't hurt them. So I got a great pic of the Pfanner's courtyard. Then on to San Michele, over to Pucinni's birthplace, and then it was time for lunch. We were scheptical of the lunch in the little cafe but we were suprised with a delicioius meal of mushroom lasagne and tortellini with ham & cream. Next we decided to see their Duomo which had the most beautiful stain glass but we were not allowed to take photos inside. We strolled around the city some more and the back to the wall. All in all it was a wonderful day to walk on the wall and sing "I live on the second floor, I live upstairs from you, I think I've seen you before".
Here is my flickr link for more pics than I have posted here.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Little Boxes, Little Boxes"

Oh My Goodness! On Sunday we had a veggie day once we finally got out of the bed around 1pm. :) Whoopsie! It is amazing how when you don't have english tv channels you find a way to watch something, anything non-italian. We caught up watching some episodes of Lost (3rd season) via iTunes. AND...I have a new love...WEEDS . What a great show! OMG!!! I'm hooked! Here is a pic of our "TV" lounge...notice Julia's baby Mac on the chair!