Saturday, July 5, 2008

Love (and other disasters)

OMG! We saw a surprisingly AWESOME movie tonight! "Love and Other Disasters" written and directed by Alek Keshishian. It was amazingly funny and sweet without being over the top corny. Brittany Murphy's character Jacks encompasses the innocence, look and charm of Audrey fact her favorite movie in L&OD is "Breakfast at Tiffany's". The other characters in L&OD are casted beautifully! Catherine Tate who plays Talullah is a hoot! The male characters from Matthew Rhys who plays Jacks' gay roommate that is searching for Mr. Right in all the wrong men to Santiago Cabrera who plays Paulo who is Jacks Mr. Right but she thinks is gay...they are endearing, trustworthy, and wonderfully written. Although Brittany does a lot of romantic-comedies I think this by far is her true first attempt a a more grown-up and believable role! All in all I LOVE this movie and will definitely watch it again and so should you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just one question:
Where are the Egypt pics?
OK, consider yourself warned. I'm expecting some soon.