Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Zoe Elizabeth

Although she was ten days early we are so excited to have her here finally!!! Zoe Elizabeth was born on Monday night March 31st at 11:28pm. She made her appearance weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz and is 18 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful and has a head full of curly hair.

Mom called around 9pm and said to start to head to the hospital and that Kim's contractions were 7 minutes apart. Dad and I got to the hospital around 10:30 and went back to see her. The nurse was still filling out her paperwork and her pains started coming closer and harder. At 11pm on the dot her water broke and then all the sudden I think 11 nurses were in her room. The doctor was not at the hospital yet and the nurses were trying to calm Kim and slow down the delivery. We soon realized that there was no time for an epidural and Kim was a real trooper...she did an awesome job. The on-call doctor no sooner made it into the room before Zoe decided to make her appearance at 11:28pm. Their real doctor made it in the room 5 minutes after Zoe's birth.

Kim and Zoe are doing great!!!!
PS...Zach LOVES his baby sister!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!! Go Kimmy! I should have warned you naming a girl Zoe means a speedy delivery. So happy for the whole family. Kisses all around. And, by the way, that is one of the sweetest Aunt Mendy pics I've ever seen.