Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Julia!!!

January 28th is my dearest friend Julia's birthday. I've known Julia most of my adult life. We met in English 101 which was our very first class in college and have been friends ever since. We have shared our dreams, our fears, laughs, tears, a house and our love of travel. She is still the only person I can understand with toothbrush talk. We created the rules for laughter...rule #1 don't make the other person laugh while drinking, rule #2 not while eating, and rule #3 not while smoking. Julia, THANKS for always making me laugh no matter what rules we break! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And I'll see you and Luigi very soon!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mendy! I just am catching up with everything and finally am reading the blogs. You have been such a fantastic and fun friend and I know that will continue as long as time allows. Love you and can't wait to see you.